Saturday, February 25, 2012

Walk from SF to Sausalito?!?

     Walk to Sausalito!?! That's crazy talk...but Kelly said that she'd done it and I trust Kelly. I've biked, but have never done the hike. Honorary JAG member and the JA of JAG decided that we should hike across the Golden Gate bridge to get wine and play bocce. I'm always a fan of exercise with the greatest reward of wine, so I was in.
     We walked from the Pac Heights area down the Lyon street steps (I'm a fan of going down...not up), past the Palace of Fine arts, and along Marina Blvd towards the GG bridge. Walking across the bridge is actually kind of annoying - a ton of tourists and people blocking your way or pushing past you. But then you get some awesome views of dolphins, boats, and the I still think it's worth it.

Yes, I know - I'm not good at taking pictures. Here are Kelly and Annie...and San Francisco in the background that you can't see due to my shoddy photography skills.

     It wasn't a bad walk at all - especially because we were chatting the entire way...for 8 miles! We never planned on walking back, so a one-way hike works when you have so much to look at. We finally got to Bar Bocce (the destination...a hike and drink type of situation), but they were PACKED and we were given a 45min.-1hr. wait. After hiking 8 hours, that's unacceptable. Although the goal was to get to this bocce place, we had to eat something fast - so we went across the street to Taco Bar and had some sangria (which I wouldn't really recommend - it's just okay) and food. So that we didn't miss out on the ultimate goal of the day, we went to Bar Bocce to check out the drink situation but ultimately left because it was just too busy. Fail. Still - fun walk and we learned that Sausalito is just a hop, skip, and hike way. Called a cab to pick us up and split the fee so that it was almost like paying for the ferry. I'm thinking that a stroll over the bridge would be a good option for the next annual Art Festival, when it's just too congested with cars to drive.

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