Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tourist Club - the long way

     Annie ditched us on this one, so Greg and I departed in the morning and headed North to grab our Sandwiches. I came up with a tentative game-plan:

1. Depart at 10:15am in the Mini (great for navigating the windy streets)
1b. Call in sandwich/food order to Davey Jones Deli
1c. Navigate to: 1 Gate 6 Rd; Sausalito, CA 94965
2. Pick up sandwiches before we park at the base
3. Park and hike. It is only 45 min. but is all uphill and a pretty gnarly climb according to THIS article.
4. Arrive around 12:30 and eat our lunch that we brought (they don't have food...only snacks). Drink beer with lunch (CASH ONLY)
5. After drinking and lounging in the sun, leave when we're damn ready to go.
6. Hike back, drive back, nap.

     First off - GREAT decision to go to Davey's Deli (patting myself on the back). Don't be afraid - it's in a Bait Shop but everything is fresh, local, and deeelish! I read reviews that recommended we let THEM choose our sandwich, so we just said "Make me what you think I should eat." And they chose wisely.
Turkey with cranberry sauce and jalapeƱo? Weird - but it works.

     The hike uphill actually wasn't so'll be trekking up dozens of stairs where you can read all of the personal messages on each of them. Follow my link above to bring you to the Tourist Club the long way - you'll also probably have a few other hikers around that you can follow there. The earlier you get there, the better, as it was already pretty packed 15 minutes after it opened.
We were engrossed for 2-3 hours in the Scrabble game that we brought (well, Greg was...but he still lost miserably to me). 

     By the time we left - even the downstairs patio area (aka dance floor during festivals) was packed-full of people and kids. You can't find a better place to bring a sandwich and buy beers on a nice day...loved it! But be careful on the walk back - I once almost fell down a hill (or maybe it was a cliff...I can't remember if my brain exaggerated the memory or not) because of too many beers. But don't have too many that you don't appreciate the fantastic light coming across the hills while you walk back.

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