Sunday, December 9, 2012

Mt. Burdell: frog kingdom

     It was a clear and sunny day in SF, but we went north to Novato to check out Mt. Burdell, after I read a great write-up on Weekend Sherpa. The trail leads over some small creeks and through beautiful green landscapes...but as the link above suggests, DO download a map! We were confused a few times and it really helped out. Halfway up, you already get some great views of the Marin/Novato area.
Handsome man not guaranteed on this hike

Turn around to look up the hill, and you can spot a few of those 'Tim Burton'-esque trees, like this lonely guy:
Continuing the trend of creepy-ness, we then saw this jawbone! Greg refused to bring it with us, so we can't no fore sure...but I'm guessing coyote...
After that smaller summit, we approached a hill with an extremely steep trail (the 'unsigned trail' mentioned in the post), so we decided to skip that and head down to Hidden Lake. On the way there, Greg caught this great panoramic shot of the trail and beautiful surroundings:
Down the road you'll run into Hidden Lake, and you can hear the frogs long before you see the lake. Just keep following that fire road back to the parking area. It was only about a 2 hour hike (probably because we skipped the uphill part), and we both agreed that it was delightful. 

     Although things weren't too strenuous, we were famished, and stopped by the nearby Novato Cafe for brunch while on our way back to SF. Placed oddly enough at the EconoLodge, we took our chances and went in.
Greg was very much pleased with the Monte Cristo, but I was pretty disappointed with the open-faced turkey melt, which seemed like it was something you'd make with whatever was left in the fridge - and didn't satisfy. Although I can say the mixed greens were great, as well as our mimosas. I'd try it again, but wouldn't say this one was a 'must' on your trip up here. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunshine and bikers on Morning Sun Trail

     What a gorgeous day in the Bay Area today! JAG reunited for a quick commute over Golden Gate Bridge for our hike in the Marin Headlands, led by Greg. We really enjoyed this hike and I'd love to go explore some of the other off-shoots at some point. You can get there by heading North on 101, exit #443 on Monte Mar Dr. towards Spencer Ave. and then turn left on Spencer and park in that little driveway. You can spot the parking area closest to Sausalito on the National Parks map of the area - and I'd really recommend printing out a big map if possible, or picking one up at the Marin Headlands Visitors Center, as there are a lot of different paths to take.
Annie and Greg are pumped at the Morning Sun Trailhead

     We began at Morning Sun Trailhead around 10:45am (bring some water - you'll need it for the uphill trek). The hike starts out in the shaded woods and all uphill - another one with a tough uphill battle to start...but it's all pretty gradual after the long ascent. Put on sunscreen for the rest of the way when the trail breaks out in the sun - and follow it to Alta Trail. You'll see a tall white structure - so just head that way (but not inside the fence, where the sign threatens anyone who tries).
     Then we headed onto Bobcat Trail for a long walk downhill (note that you could instead take the trail up a bit more if you want to extend your hike). We opted to go down, but not before taking in the sweeping views of the city, Golden Gate, Sutro Tower, and the Pacific (my camera phone isn't doing it justice - you'll just have to go).
     Bobcat Trail re-joins Alta trail for a steady uphill climb, where mountain bikers continue to zip past - so heads up! They also kick up a lot of dust, so my legs were covered in dirt by the time we got back to the parking lot. We returned down Morning Sun Trail to the parking lot, ending the hike around 1:30pm - making it about a 2hr 45min. hike. And how to reward ourselves? Bloody Marys at lunch, of course! 
     In probably the fastest ride over Golden Gate any of us have had, we went to the Presidio Social Club where we snagged a coveted table out on the back patio area (again...more sunscreen needed). Kelly (last seen on the Presidio Trail) was with a friend nearby, so they joined us for a drink, too. The Bloody Marys are spicy but refreshing and tasty - but the winning dishes were the burger and herb scramble. Apparently there was also a luau party on Sunday evening with Mai Tais and a roasted pig - wish I could have stayed!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Presidio Trails - South Side

     I'm always late. I have awful time management skills, and it's something my manager at work and my mother at home always complained about. But I try! I really do. Alas, it prevented a JAG hike yesterday, since I kept pushing it back and then Greg couldn't deal with me anymore (sorry, Greg). Annie was avoiding us as per usual, so it was just going to be the two of us. Since JAG fell apart - I asked Kelly (honorary member of JAG) if she was free - and as luck would have it, she could join me for a quickie impromptu hike.

     For a quick NEW hike, I used the app Transit and Trails (available on iPhone and Android). This way, I was able to sit in the car wash (the Mini was filthy) and do a 'hikes near me' search to see a map of all local hikes. I picked something in the Presidio, so that we wouldn't have to drive to far, but it was still far enough away that I wouldn't have walked there. We ended up starting with the Mountain Lake Trail, and parking on 12th street, just at the edge of the park (although it gets so congested that I'd recommend parking on California so that you don't get boxed in).

The hike:
     Starting at the end of 12th St around 3:45pm, we walked through the park and then turned right at the lake (it looks like there's some construction, on the West side of the lake, so we didn't go that way). All of this is considered the Mountain Lake Trail. However, it turns out that we veered off of the path and ended up on a few different trails - all detailed here. After going around the East side of the Lake, we made it onto the Park Trail - which takes you on the West side of the golf course. This leads down to the Bay Area Ridge Trail, where we headed East. I really liked this one - and saw a few other people, plenty of them with dogs. On this one, you'll walk through some beautiful wooded areas - which culminate in a wood masterpiece called 'The Spire".

Looking up at this will make you dizzy because of the clouds moving so quickly above. Try it!
And here is Kelly, emulating The Spire...

     Soon after (and still along the Bay Area Ridge Trail), we came upon the Presidio Cafe...which was probably a sign that we needed a drink - we took it. It looks like table service is closed after 3, but you can still order at the bar and sit down wherever you like. Note to single girls: this place is crawling with men...take advantage. After a rewarding glass of wine each, we were back on the trail which then re-connected us with the Mountain Lake Trail - heading West back to the park. It was pretty chilly by then (around 5:30 pm), so we were happy to be back in the car. We were only gone for maybe 2 hours, and it was all easy to slightly moderate at points - perfect for squeezing in a late hike on Sunday...when you realized that all you did all weekend was eat, drink, and lounge around. But not so if you make it to the Presidio trails!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Discover SF Bay all over again!

     Taking a hint from Weekend Sherpa today, we went on a hike in Pacifica on the Sweeney Ridge trail. Greg pushed the timing back and Annie already had plans, so with my two 'AG' members fighting...I ended up hiking alone with Greg. We were planning on hiking closer to the South Bay, but with the change in participation - we decided to go somewhere closer...Pacifica! What a gorgeous hike - sweeping views of both the Bay and the Pacific Ocean.
     The beginning was rough...especially since I haven't been doing much exercise. It was all uphill for about the first mile or so but then leveled out and was then downhill on the way back. There were some pretty wildflowers along the way, and then the Nike Missile site full of abandoned buildings all graffiti-ed up. So strange to think that at one point - we had a nuclear missiles pointing at the clouds to protect the SF Bay. That part isn't as picturesque - but you can see the monument to where Spanish explorer, Portola, discovered the Bay...and then turn around and head right back down to the Orchid Nursery.
     Although we didn't shop for Orchids today, we DID go to Gorilla BBQ for some pulled-pork sando's with that delicious BBQ sauce.

Here is Greg taking a break from waiting in line to pose (DO expect a long line and wait)

It was good - but I wouldn't say amazing. Still, a solid sandwich after a moderate hike. The corn on the cob was fresh and tasty - but don't expect anything extra added on. The mac and cheese was yummy (I stole a bite from Greg), but he seemed to love the cornbread muffin even more. Go for a hike, enjoy the beautiful views, and then stuff your face with BBQ!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Walk from SF to Sausalito?!?

     Walk to Sausalito!?! That's crazy talk...but Kelly said that she'd done it and I trust Kelly. I've biked, but have never done the hike. Honorary JAG member and the JA of JAG decided that we should hike across the Golden Gate bridge to get wine and play bocce. I'm always a fan of exercise with the greatest reward of wine, so I was in.
     We walked from the Pac Heights area down the Lyon street steps (I'm a fan of going down...not up), past the Palace of Fine arts, and along Marina Blvd towards the GG bridge. Walking across the bridge is actually kind of annoying - a ton of tourists and people blocking your way or pushing past you. But then you get some awesome views of dolphins, boats, and the I still think it's worth it.

Yes, I know - I'm not good at taking pictures. Here are Kelly and Annie...and San Francisco in the background that you can't see due to my shoddy photography skills.

     It wasn't a bad walk at all - especially because we were chatting the entire way...for 8 miles! We never planned on walking back, so a one-way hike works when you have so much to look at. We finally got to Bar Bocce (the destination...a hike and drink type of situation), but they were PACKED and we were given a 45min.-1hr. wait. After hiking 8 hours, that's unacceptable. Although the goal was to get to this bocce place, we had to eat something fast - so we went across the street to Taco Bar and had some sangria (which I wouldn't really recommend - it's just okay) and food. So that we didn't miss out on the ultimate goal of the day, we went to Bar Bocce to check out the drink situation but ultimately left because it was just too busy. Fail. Still - fun walk and we learned that Sausalito is just a hop, skip, and hike way. Called a cab to pick us up and split the fee so that it was almost like paying for the ferry. I'm thinking that a stroll over the bridge would be a good option for the next annual Art Festival, when it's just too congested with cars to drive.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tourist Club - the long way

     Annie ditched us on this one, so Greg and I departed in the morning and headed North to grab our Sandwiches. I came up with a tentative game-plan:

1. Depart at 10:15am in the Mini (great for navigating the windy streets)
1b. Call in sandwich/food order to Davey Jones Deli
1c. Navigate to: 1 Gate 6 Rd; Sausalito, CA 94965
2. Pick up sandwiches before we park at the base
3. Park and hike. It is only 45 min. but is all uphill and a pretty gnarly climb according to THIS article.
4. Arrive around 12:30 and eat our lunch that we brought (they don't have food...only snacks). Drink beer with lunch (CASH ONLY)
5. After drinking and lounging in the sun, leave when we're damn ready to go.
6. Hike back, drive back, nap.

     First off - GREAT decision to go to Davey's Deli (patting myself on the back). Don't be afraid - it's in a Bait Shop but everything is fresh, local, and deeelish! I read reviews that recommended we let THEM choose our sandwich, so we just said "Make me what you think I should eat." And they chose wisely.
Turkey with cranberry sauce and jalapeƱo? Weird - but it works.

     The hike uphill actually wasn't so'll be trekking up dozens of stairs where you can read all of the personal messages on each of them. Follow my link above to bring you to the Tourist Club the long way - you'll also probably have a few other hikers around that you can follow there. The earlier you get there, the better, as it was already pretty packed 15 minutes after it opened.
We were engrossed for 2-3 hours in the Scrabble game that we brought (well, Greg was...but he still lost miserably to me). 

     By the time we left - even the downstairs patio area (aka dance floor during festivals) was packed-full of people and kids. You can't find a better place to bring a sandwich and buy beers on a nice day...loved it! But be careful on the walk back - I once almost fell down a hill (or maybe it was a cliff...I can't remember if my brain exaggerated the memory or not) because of too many beers. But don't have too many that you don't appreciate the fantastic light coming across the hills while you walk back.